Gemma now has her own 2 wheels!
After much searching we found a Second hand Yamaha TW125 Trailway at a very reasonable price. It's a 2000 bike and is a little bit rough around the edges but nothing a good clean and polish wont sort out. The headlamp mounting brackets are broken but i've ordered an aftermarket headlamp and surround so, assuming it fits, the bike should look good. The steering head bearing has excessive play in it which leads to chattering under heavy breaking... Might get away with tightnening the bearing up although fitting a new one wont be too difficult if that's what the bike needs.
I rode the bike home last night and had a laugh! It doesn't have a very high top speed but it goes well and is fairly quiet and smooth. The knobbly balloon tyres make a humming noise, similar to a land rover at anything over 15mph! The controls are all very light and easy to use... An ideal bike for a beginner or someone wanting a bit of fun at the weekends without going at silly speeds. Here's a phot of Gemma's new wheels... It's not the best quality picture because i took it using my phone...
I rode the bike home last night and had a laugh! It doesn't have a very high top speed but it goes well and is fairly quiet and smooth. The knobbly balloon tyres make a humming noise, similar to a land rover at anything over 15mph! The controls are all very light and easy to use... An ideal bike for a beginner or someone wanting a bit of fun at the weekends without going at silly speeds. Here's a phot of Gemma's new wheels... It's not the best quality picture because i took it using my phone...

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